Connexun starts with the identification of a proof of concept regarding two specific countries: India and Italy.
Startup of the partnership with the Department of Systematic Informatics and Communications of Bicocca University in Milan.
B.I.R.B.AL. engine was born there. prototype was released and online.
B.I.R.B.AL. implementation by the developing of the POI (Points of Interest) functionality.
Indit360 become a global service covering 190 countries with over then 36 languages. Connexun was born!
App. vs Website: Connexun mobile application launch (for iOS and Android devices).
Connexun chooses mobile application and abandons website as service platform.
EXPO2015 partnership: development of a custom application with TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile).
WiFi Sharing: successfully implementation of the project as service at Amritsar International Airport (ATQ) for international travellers.
In collaboration with the Indian Embassy in Rome the development of the "Notify Me" project useful for passport retrieval for indian diaspora in Italy.
ConnexDO: Connexun's online donation platform to support social projects.
Dedicated to the rediscovery and rejigging of B.I.R.B.AL. artificial intelligence: development and production of various technologies and interfaces such as the "Crawler Bot", the content "Classifier", the topic "Clusterizer" or the "Dynamic Summarization".