Lab / Projects

Data driven, natural language processing and machine learning projects

Relation Index Statistics

Frequency at which one country’s sources mention another country in any period of time.

Minority Report API

Gain different type of demographic data based on country of residence or interest and country of origin.

N.E.S.T. News Evaluation Tool

N.E.S.T. is a specific tool created to help our artificial intelligence (B.I.R.B.AL.) in the analysis and classification of news. The training is done through human evaluation of the news by experts.

Activity App

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A project designed to donate contributions to non-profit associations and bodies, such as the "Unione Induista Italiana" which lays the seeds for a more peaceful and just society and defends the ethical principles that unite the religious. 'atheist and agnostic, those values which also belong to the religious and spiritual culture of Hinduism.

Free Wifi at Amritsar International Airport

A free Wi-Fi services for international travellers launched at Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport with the Airport Authority of India. Launched in collaboration with Connexun Informatics the services was maded available free-of-charge for 30 minutes during stay or transit hours of the passengers.
Online references: The Tribune India, NDTV, India Today, Business Standard, Industan Times, The Indian Express, The Hindu